In Donetsk announced the start of work of the international organization of DAO Donbass | Биткоин в России
Публикации про криптовалюты и Blockchain-технологии

In Donetsk announced the start of work of the international organization of DAO Donbass | Блокчейн и Биткоин в России


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4 August 2016 in Donetsk held a press conference on the theme "Cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies as a tool for economic development". The event took place at the Association "Entrepreneurs of the DNR", was initiated by DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) «Donbass» in Moscow, representative of which in Donetsk is OSC «Bitcoin-Donbass», aims to introduce Bitcoin and blockchain-technologies in the region.

The conference generated interest both from government agencies and journalists, and entrepreneurs from different fields – financial, legal, medical, metallurgical, IT, etc. In the discussion of innovative technologies was attended by the Minister of education and science DNR Larisa Polyakova, as well as representatives of the Ministry of information, Ministry of communications, national Central Bank, the people's Council and other government agencies. The event reviewed the development of advanced digital technology based on the blockchain and Bitcoin in the public sector and their integration into the system of public administration. The participants of the conference were made by the representatives of the DAO "Donbass", who came as experts of the interdepartmental working group of the state Duma of Russia on risk assessments turn cryptocurrency. The company has proposed the use of Bitcoin and the blockchain as a tool to bypass economic sanctions in the region. Previously, such initiatives as well as prospects of implementation of blockchain technology in the public sector was considered at the international scientific-practical conference in the state Duma on 2 June 2016. State Duma Deputy from LDPR Andrei Lugovoi stated that "the technology of the blockchain has been regarded as a safe system for the collection and storage of information. Today, the Blockchain is the Foundation for the development of the system of voting, insurance, registration of rights to real estate, the fingerprint and socially relevant documentation." DAO "Donbass" offered the authorities DNR ready solutions for the withdrawal of the region from the economic crisis, which attracted the cooperation of international companies that have successfully implemented similar projects in other countries. Also developers announced that using DAO in the region to attract major investments from all over the world. This idea was supported by representatives of the Association "Entrepreneurs of the DNR." For them, it will be possible available now international payments, that will drive the business environment and the region as a whole to a new level of economic development.

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