Decentralized systems might be in Russian plans to "future technologies"
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Decentralized systems might be in Russian plans to «future technologies»


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Strategic Initiatives Agency brought forecast of technological development in the coming decade, highlighting only nine technologies that will be needed in the future and will be able to lead the country to a high level of development. Among the potential advanced technologies that are likely to revolutionize our understanding of the world, SIA identified decentralized financial and energetic systems.

 Also new promising areas of the market called artificial intelligence technology Big Data, new energy sources, markets unmanned aerial vehicles, maritime transport management systems and unmanned vehicles without a driver, as well as the markets of personalized medicine, artificial ingredients consciousness of security. This list of techniques has been defined on the basis of current perceptions of future demand for science and technology.

It is impossible not to notice that the decentralized technology blokchain and Bitcoin on which the Russian authorities so vehemently trying to get rid of, according to experts, can lead our country in the first place in terms of development of new technologies in the next 10 years.

Last year, in his message to the Federal Assembly, President Vladimir Putin noted that the need to unite the efforts of dynamic businesses and advanced training and research centers, as well as invite compatriots who are working abroad.

SIA is now preparing "road map" for the government for each of the nine selected technologies. It is possible that decentralized systems will become a part of the state policy in the field of innovation.

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